Lets just do them in chronological order why don't we :) ?
WON THAT Black & Gold Glomesh bag off ebay $20, abit overpriced I think considering prices of others i saw later on, but what the heck, I wanted it so bad :) Tick off my wishlist + Still waiting to be delivered.
(The days that followed had emotional stuff involved, i managed to shake it off though & don't wanna be a baby sooky lala on my blog LOL, But if you must know, I won't get my hopes up but it looks like I'm heading in the right direction, I don't really have a choice now, but this was the open door I was looking for, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M ON ABOUT DO YOU ? haha it's okay, I'm mysterious like that ? rofl, you can could probably guess) Moving on..
MJ's Memorial
I had to blog about this, Just because I think it's so sad. Feelings of a friend I lost not long ago resurfaced when I watched MJ's memorial. I think it's hard when you realise that you won't see them again in this lifetime. The fact that there up there right now watching with God, brings peace, but doesn't mean you won't miss them . When i watched his family speaking, Esp. His brother Jermaine & his daughter Paris, It broke my heart, a man who felt pain no one else can imagine " Michael Maybe now people will leave you alone." RIP Michael Jackson, Touched us all - Legendary King of Pop, There will never ever be anyone better, best believe.
Wednesday -
Tina & Kevin's 3rd year anniversary. These two have been through so much & still managed to stay together, What can I say ? Congratulations, I somewhat admire you two, and wish you two a long & happy life together, Can't wait for the wedding. We celebrated @ Hooters, Pictures will be posted @ the bottom. FUN NIGHT WITH the boys & girls! (BAD OILY CHICKEN SERVED - would not recommend - In mild flavor that is)
Thursday :
- Economics excursion to the Reserve Bank.
- Latenight with @ parra with all the girls !
- Bumped into Kim phammer + Emma & emily - People I miss seeing :(
- Purchased the following :
- Bardot gold leopard print studs
- Bardot "NYC backstage" Oversized Tee
- Sportsgirl black & gold studs
- Tank singlet + latex tights from cotton on.
Nothing spesh! jst a few things I needed, Eye'ing the Squawk Rinse Ksubi's on ebay & If i'm going to purchase another jacket this winter, It shall be the waterfall jacket, Here's one from Bardot.

I'm sick again PEOPLE! Nose is running like a tap & My cough is turning chesty.
That's all for now folks, Blog again, Very soon. Holidays are coming up, which I plan on having alottttt done in, (key word: plan) I'm GOING HABIBS CHARCOAL CHICKEN @ BANKSTOWN TOMORROW - I can't wait, I've heard good things about this lebanese restarant! Mmm chicken! Tiffany, Darithy & Darinna are going New caledonia tmrw, I'm going to miss them dearly!
Don't ask why this writing is all underlined, I have No idea! Oh, YAY jerseys tmrw.
Ok I jst realised how annoying the pictures are to upload & re-arrange, So they're on facebook anyway, lolol!

" Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, You'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow. Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through for you " - Mj's fav. song for a reason.
MJ's Memorial
I had to blog about this, Just because I think it's so sad. Feelings of a friend I lost not long ago resurfaced when I watched MJ's memorial. I think it's hard when you realise that you won't see them again in this lifetime. The fact that there up there right now watching with God, brings peace, but doesn't mean you won't miss them . When i watched his family speaking, Esp. His brother Jermaine & his daughter Paris, It broke my heart, a man who felt pain no one else can imagine " Michael Maybe now people will leave you alone." RIP Michael Jackson, Touched us all - Legendary King of Pop, There will never ever be anyone better, best believe.
Wednesday -
Tina & Kevin's 3rd year anniversary. These two have been through so much & still managed to stay together, What can I say ? Congratulations, I somewhat admire you two, and wish you two a long & happy life together, Can't wait for the wedding. We celebrated @ Hooters, Pictures will be posted @ the bottom. FUN NIGHT WITH the boys & girls! (BAD OILY CHICKEN SERVED - would not recommend - In mild flavor that is)
Thursday :
- Economics excursion to the Reserve Bank.
- Latenight with @ parra with all the girls !
- Bumped into Kim phammer + Emma & emily - People I miss seeing :(
- Purchased the following :
- Bardot gold leopard print studs
- Bardot "NYC backstage" Oversized Tee
- Sportsgirl black & gold studs
- Tank singlet + latex tights from cotton on.
Nothing spesh! jst a few things I needed, Eye'ing the Squawk Rinse Ksubi's on ebay & If i'm going to purchase another jacket this winter, It shall be the waterfall jacket, Here's one from Bardot.

I'm sick again PEOPLE! Nose is running like a tap & My cough is turning chesty.
That's all for now folks, Blog again, Very soon. Holidays are coming up, which I plan on having alottttt done in, (key word: plan) I'm GOING HABIBS CHARCOAL CHICKEN @ BANKSTOWN TOMORROW - I can't wait, I've heard good things about this lebanese restarant! Mmm chicken! Tiffany, Darithy & Darinna are going New caledonia tmrw, I'm going to miss them dearly!
Don't ask why this writing is all underlined, I have No idea! Oh, YAY jerseys tmrw.
Ok I jst realised how annoying the pictures are to upload & re-arrange, So they're on facebook anyway, lolol!
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