Sunday, October 4, 2009

Another milestone..

Yay me :] I've finished school, not officially, cos my graduation/sign out/formal is AFTER HSC (the way it should be) But you get the drift. Getting my P's and My first car was some this year. Next Years milestones will be: Making it to uni (fingers crossed!) and Turning the Big 1-8. All the more reasons to start fillin' my pandora bracelet again. I had heaps of bittersweet moments this last week of school, filled with parties. I've been complaining my whole school life, but this was it.. I was leaving, It still feels like I should be there or something? It's strange, year 9 was yesterday haha. I still feel like a baby in many ways and I'm a kid at heart, but I've got this huge sense of adventure, curiosity and determination inside, that I don't think I could stay in school any longer!The world is at my feet.. I'm scared, but at the same time excited. Am I ready? Not really, But when the time comes - I will be, I have confidence in that :) It's sad to say goodbye, I know I won't see some of these faces again, But I will truly miss everyone, I LOVE YOU FVHS'09 It's been a pleasure knowing u's & we've jst grown up so much.

Scratch that - the time is NOW, and I should be studying but u know me..
I'll hit the library tmrw, start my studying regime of 12pm-4pm study BREAK 5pm-9pm study.

My blogs been so neglected lately!
A few people have had their formals lately, and lookin' @ pictures it makes me sooo excited about mine! I really...reallly.. really hope that my dress turns out. LIKE REALLY!! I wanna loook glam on the night :) Hopefully everything goes to plan. I'm getting it tailored, the design is inspired by this gorgeous full length, strapless chiffon marchesa gown (below) But obviously I wasn't able to get all the delicate beading that you see on the bodice. So i replaced it with a light brown/gold beaded patterned material. ALSO - the dress is PEACH coloured (similar to font!) which will bring out my tan and it's backless with material attached from the side of the bodice where you can tie it at the back. REAL hard to explain! See the picture below :) I also purchased the cage heels below, cos there SUPERR tall & that's what I'll need for my long dress. ALSO I love them & I'll be able to wear em afterwards :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rest in peace & harmony

Life ain't promised and that won't change.. I'ma meet you there some day..

Rest In Peace
Jason Tran
Kevin Phan

This year hasn't been the greatest for our year 12 cohort has it?

It hasn't been the best for me either.

Last friday I found out my mate Jason Tran passed away from a car accident on the horsely dr. Kevin Phan was also in the car, both passed immediately. I haven't seen Jason a while.. I remember we used to speak back in the days, however when i left the group I'd only bump into you every now & then.. and everytime you were always so nice & kind, askin' how I'd been & where I was heading to. I still can't believe your gone, that I'll never feel that kindness ever again, even if i ever wanted to see you I wouldn't be able to now. You had a heart of gold, we didn't have to be close for me to know that. You would jst spread laughter everytime I used to see you at parties. Your truly going to be missed by everyone Jason. Kevin Phan, I remember going to your party and meeting your sister, we've never met properly But i've seen you around, I can see the pain and emptiness you're absence has brought, and I can tell you were a loving friend and brother. Your family is great, and My deepest condolences go out to both families for there loss. I cannot begin to imagine the sorrow of losing such genuine boys, you both definately didn't deserve this, gone too soon..

Rest in peace Martin Dankha, Jason Tran & Kevin Phan. Martin will tc of ya. My heart goes out to close friends & family. You'll be in my prayers. We'll meet again some day.. I know it, like I said jst make sure it's rockin' when I get up there eh? lol Know you's in heaven smiling down. The passing of a friend is never easy.. it's going to be a long process.. and it's a sorrow different from all others you've felt before. It makes ya think about life, that it's so short, and that people jst leave. Thinkn' that it coulda been syd brings me down right down, I would not be able to bear it. To the st Johns & Bonnyrigg people, stay strong & remember that the boys have eachother & they're at peace now- jason & kevin wouldn't wanna see you crying now..
love xx

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Growing pains.

Nuh, For real. I'm currently sitting in front of the computer curling up in period pain. So much for an early night! So whats new ? Not much really. Man I've really got to start studying, I just can't control it, I have so many distractions & im such a procrastinator. I'm thinking of bringing my laptop to cab lib tmrw to study after school, that should remove all distractions. We got out UAC books today & it really reminded me how short my time left is at school, I'm like sad/happy/shocked/ so sick of school at the same time? I know I'm going to miss it but right now I'd jst like to get out of school, get out of the country as well :) A nice sunny holiday would do me wonders ! But I can't complain eh? Things are so much brighter than last term, I guess I could say I'm emotionally and mentally at ease now. Reflecting on the last year or so, Jst makes me think how messy things, No doubt I grew & learnt alot. When I think back, I think i just lost myself for abit..Couldn't really see the direction I was moving in, where things were going, so focused on one thing.. I used to always cringe at these things but...... :) yeah, Jst thought I'd say whats on my mind lately.

So I'm pretty sure I'm going to be doing a Business course now, whether it be at UTS or UNSW or USYD, I haven't looked into, but I'm pretty deadset on it, since I guess all my subjects now are social science related, and Business is so broad, I'll decide what to major in later on. I'm even considering doing a combined degree with international studies, So I can study a year overseas :) It'd be nice, take from the experience and all. But we'll see in time.

I've been thinking about my future big time lately, and It always involves wanting to travel. I can also see myself being pretty career orientated aswell & doing a job I actually enjoy, or at the very least I'm good at. Can't really picture myself staying in one place forever - sydney that is ? that's why I'd like to do that int'l studies, I'd also like to take a gap year off to travel, but wheres the money ey ? Lol, these are just random thoughts that fly about. It was like yesterday I was in year 9, Now im going to leave school in 3 months ! I feel like the biggest baby, But I'll be ready when it comes.

Okay the pains are better now, still not good enough for me to go to bed though. Argh. Let's talk more bullshit :) oh, I've been contemplating whether to get Ksubi jeans which I've been eye'ing for about 100 years or to upgrade my car audio system. (okay it's not even an upgrade, More like putting one in, since I've only got front speakers) But I'm leaning more towards the car now, Since it's hard to find authentic ksubi's online, It's pretty easy for me to pick the real ones, But im scared they won't fit now. My car wins this time! I'd also like white rims now, they'd look hot on my white car , and would like car seat covers asap! They would give my interior a huge facelift, Since it's green/blue. Yuck I know!

Aren't these lyrics good people ?
I know that I love you but let me just say,
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way.
No, no, I don't want a broken heart,
I don't wanna play the broken hearted girl, No, No broken hearted girl.
I'm no broken hearted girl

Yeh ok, broken hearted girl was repeated alot of times but it sounds good in when beyonce actually sings it Hahha. The pains are really starting to die out, I'm going to hit to sack again.

It's only wishful thinking until you make it happen, LET'S GO !
(lol melain's inspirational quote of the day)
OH ROFL I got one more " you need to stop boo-hoo'ing over HIM and start woo-hoo'ing over you" Yep okay I get the award for lameness. Ahh this pain is making me talk shit. Byee.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cry out of joy

Hi everyone :)
I decided I'd blog this particular beautiful sunny sunday afternoon. Isn't life wonderful ? let's embrace all & be amazing today :) hahaha, too much of Diddy's tweets for me. This week was back to school. Anyway, I was having an ugly week this week, I seemed to continually wake up with chinkii eyes and then I think the time of the month is approaching !
I skipped school on friday, since I woke up late.. I was like mehh. LOL so much for attending everyday! That night the girls & us met up with ken & his two mates. All our plans seemed to fail! first the movies, we got there too late, then villawood bowling/lasertag ? which closed when we arrived, FINALLY we went to strathfield Karaoke. Ohh ken got a fine, poor dude! The coppaa was gona "arrest" me for attempting to hold them up as well.. Honestly I wasn't forreal! But he was "in a good mood". I've been so lucky to date ! I havent been busted for driving passengers when its pass curfew, and i've done it so many times. Anyway, Karaoke was fun :) Ken's friend Michael was mega super duper cute! His got a fun personality & all.. and a effing killer bod (xxxtra points for that haha) Nah but the girls obsessed over hiim too much & i'm over it. P.S did i mention he had a girlfriend ? Oopsii.
Saturday the girls went to the chocolate room @ stockies for a chit chat :):)
Sunday so i'm meanto be studying for my trials.. which is. the week after the nxt, ahhH!! But i went to grab subway with my two lil sisters, and they ended up convincing me to go markets (tiffany did the talking & rachael jst nodded in agreement haha!!) and then we went maccas to the playground & omg, they're such chicken shits, but so was I since i hate being static shocked by the plastic equipment, it happend 3 times to me :( anyway I drove home. & i noticed on the elizabeth Dr that two roads on the side were blocked off completely by coppa cars & on the opposite side there was filming crew ? something must've happend, So i'll check the news tonight for that.
I HEART TWITTER ! EVERYONE GO OUT & GET ONE ! I MANAGED to convinced my group of friends how awesome it is & they've all joined he he he.
Going to STUDY NOW !!! mustt. must.

Later :)

"But life's not promissed and that won't change, im'a meet you there some day"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Homeboy, I'ma keep winning

Hi all! Long time no blog , I've been neglecting this thing because frankly, I cannot be bothered. Anyway I'm going to be a boring bitch now & quickly update the last week of my holidays for you enthusiasts who follow & read my blog (nah, jst vee haha) Note: I jst finished my major today! I've been a hermit for the last 3 days, couped up in front of this computer typing for my life, I can't say i didn't have a million distractions though! It's not my best work...or as polished as it should be! I did it in 3 days, i was suppose to have worked on it all year! What can you do eh. Here we go :)
Pick up from.. Monday :)
I went livo library with armin, we went to eat salsa's I tried to show him those delicious nacho fries but who am I kidding, his a little girl on a diet who doesn't eat, so I jst sort of ate while he watched, LOL! I ran into my friend from my primary, - Patricia, we chatted away. Oh mind you I didn't get any work done, i can NEVER do any at the library! It was good to catch up with her.. when I got home i added her on msn, and she told me the news about a certain somebody...
I'M SOO DISSAPOINTED !!! the guy was so goreous, but I'm not a homewrecker.. not knowingly at least, lol, I feel so sorry for his girl!

- The girls & I went to celebrate david cao's 18th @ savanna's. Jst a normal dinner nothing spesh, Everyone else went to pump U18's afterwards (the irony!) but after my fameU18's experience, I didn't wanna go, No one else was eager, SO we decided to do something of our own, jst the girls! We ended up @ livo cinemas watching Ice age 3D! It's aight I guess, $19 (I could of gone imax) !!!

attempt number two at the library ! We went oportos beforehand to eat & chatt a lil, once we got there.. we took like.. what 5 breaks? LOL armin's such a smokaholic and we kept chatting about bullshit like religion and babies?? haha No we weren't very productive at all. Fail.

I went parra with sokly, phuc and Tina, It was good catching up with all the girlss! We ended up eating at the foodcourt, and then I went in david jones and got a napoleon perdis kohl eyeliner, since Tina was complaining about my woolly's eyeliner giving her red eye, pssh works fine for me =p Afterwards we went pancakes on the rocks @ northmead, had a few laughs =) On our way home we decided to go wash my car @ the cabra car wash, I KNOW!! at that time it was like 10? But they insisted, I was in a skirt for gosh sakes ! But Tina, being the cute cunt she iss.. did most the work, hehe I love that little ganga homewrecker :)

Caught up with hoa today ! It was soooo good seeing her again, I've been talking of it for ages ! Anyway, as we were leaving her house.. we approached a roundabout a son of a bitch car hit me in the back.. I can't say how angry I was at the time & If im going to say how i feel this entry will be full of anger. But i got over it quick, The damage wasn't major, I can get it fixed. I didn't wanna let it ruin the day. We went cabra cos she wanted to buy a new mob, She didn't wanna get the webslider.. I SOO wanted her to get it! Lmao, Then we were off to para, We had 2hours to kill b4 movies so we went Nando's... and then Max brenners.. Chocolate overdose, much? We were soooooo.. incredibly bloated afterwards.
The proposal was hilarious! I recommend everyone go out & watch it !! All in all a good day :)

Saturday- Sunday - Monday : Stuck in doors doing my assignment.
I've gotta say, I had such a happy & healthy holidays by that I mean, i slept in a helllaa lot, I didn't evn get drunk once, haha! Thanks to a bunch of amazing people, You know who you are! Love love :) I managed to pretty much do everything on that list, Besides lookin for a job and studying, none of which i attempted. Lol.
I'm going too try reallly hard to shut out distractions in the nxt 3 months So i can get a decent HSC! I cbf for socialising and meeting new people right now, I'll leave that til after the hsc. Cos we're all going to get shaky after school :):) ooot oootz. Tmrw's the first day back term 3 (but last term for year 12) and I'm up @ 3.15 am blogging. Great start ? It's cos I slept at 9am in the morning today !

Off to bed now, mwa !


Monday, July 20, 2009

5 reasons Why I love Tina Nguyen.

Kayla Did Top 5 reasons why she loved me on her blog & I'm continuing the tradition, But with Tina since I miss her . Don't worry I will do one for all my friends over time...

1. She Cleans My car for me and She's soo cute when she does it !! "ahhh 1 minute left.. AHHH" Vacuuming so hardcore :)
2. When I used to talk about my ex she brings up GUYS SHE THINKS ARE CUTE to distract me, Like .. and .. who she wants me to be with so I can get laos food for her, FAT B*TCH. Even though I've stopped she still goes on about a certain someone..
3. She's the biggest homewrecker but won't admit it !! She's loyal & faithful.. too loyal sometimes :)
4. She's a loudspeaker - SHE TALKS SO LOUD, when We're right next to her.
5. She calls me in her lunch breaks, to ask what's doin..

There all part of the list, Things that I Missss.. (8)
Neyo- Part of the list.

Friday, July 17, 2009

H-h-holidays !

Let me just update everyone on my holidays so far, A week has passed, If i could describe it in one word I'd say it's RELAXING! Nothing huge :P So i`ll jst pick up where I left off with habibs on friday!

Saturday : I was meanto go to the city to try this job @ the markets, though I missed the train. Instead, Me & jens caught up, Ahhh it's been so long & it's good to finally talk :) I've missed her dearly. I picked her up & we ended up eating @ the choclate room at stockies? A new -cheaper max brenner, It's sucha rip off it's not funny :P s'all good, it's close & all! we ended up chatting til about 5 or 6 ? and Then I drove her to jacks in prestons, Haven't driven around that area since i used to school there ! Aww, I miss the nice houses! brings back memories, Said hi to jack, stayed for about 5 mins, Tahlia still remembers me, she's so cute I go.. "do u remember me :) ? " and she's all like " Umm.. was It back at uncle Jack's Old house ?? " and im like AWWWWW. Anyway I drove home, then had dinner with the mum & family @ a laos resturant at ffld.

Sunday : Went to chop my hair with Kayla @ 2fuze canley heights, Though they close @4pm on sundays so we jetted to Cabra Asiam, and they cut about 8cm off my hair, It feels so short now :( But people are still telling me it looks long- it's jst not the same! Anyhow, I'll be getting the wax serum treatment soon which will hopefully give my hair it's shine back. We then drove to oporto's... and kales ate, and I dared her to say " your too cute to be working here.." to this dude, But we chickend out, HAHA.

Monday : Decided really really really last minute to go FAMEU18's music festival with tina & kales, So unorganised! It will be my last thank you very much. I felt so old, I felt like a pedophile looking @ little boys and little kids, music was aight, trance 50% of the time, Danced away. Uhh, went home afterwards :) after grabbing food @ orangegrove of course.

Tuesday : Home ?

Wednesday : Home ? played farmville.. LMAO

Thursday : Livo library, I parked in whoop whoop land & it was a long walk to the library to save me the bloody raughting rates they charge for their carpark! I did NOTHING, I played with Vee's iphone, downloading songs in tap tap rofl, played solitaire on her laptop, nagged her to go get coffee with me, talked - got told off , distracted cathy from her work. LMAO Finallllllly I called Tina & left the lib at 5 to get home, shower and get dressed. Picked up kales & tina & we went to watch harry potter 5 @ the cinemass. 4 & a half stars movie!! It was quite depressing though and ther was about 10 minutes of action only ? OMG WE ate at this new shop in livo called salsa's (not too sure if its new havent been there in ages) and they nacho fries are to die for, we all loved it & can't wait to eat it again. AHHA. Tina the loser wanted to go in the movies 45 mins early the weirdo? Kayla was embrassing as always :L:L . Havent been livo latenight in forever ? Its SOOOOO packed ! All the asian tb's went elsewhere, there were so many lebo's around- evn for my liking !

Friday : THE GIRLS CAME BACK FROM NEW CAL ! I was meant to go to cab library but then had to plan the night so I didn't end up going. Called up a million people. Let me jst say there were so many fails this night ? First hurricanes, Then pancakes on the rocks, Then Buffet @ mounties & then we ended up jst eating @ Cooks hill hotel ! Afterwards we were gona go blue heaven for icecream, But it was packed with OG's so we left to the choclate room @ stockies once again! Thennn, on our way back tina & kales was in the car we went oporto's (giggggles) and then krispy kreme, Jetted home & the girls ended up staying til 2 and chatttting awayyyy :) Dropped them home, showered & snoozed.

Saturday (today): WOKE UP @ 12.10 quickly dressed & drove to canley station, parked & then caught the train to the city to try that job again. I got there & I was told that I'd get a call, since there was another girl already on trial - Woops.. shoulda went last week! ROFL, anyway I got oporto's, It's nice to get out of the suburbs, prettttty peaceful, caught the train back & here I'am bloggggggggggggging!

That's all I'm bothered to write, Cbf to even proof read it, So i may sound TT in some parts.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cleo Stats.

Listening to : Keri hilson - Stronger
Crushing on : Uhh, No one atm. The last guy was the chillean dude I met @ fame.
Crying over : My hair, It's screaming for a trim & a re-dye and lots & lots of treament !
Worshipping : Myself! I'm more awesome than awesome, and I'm about to get alot more awesome :) lmao, Nothing atm !
Consuming : V energy drink + last thing was pad thai
Rocking : My new black & gold glomesh bag haha or the gold fiorelli watch my mum gave me.
Reading : Cleo magazine - that's where I got this from. Btw the 'sex' and 'relationship' sections are starting to get to me Grrr, stil I get curious & read em anyway, hahar.

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's all good, we got the key to Hollyhood.

Hi all, Today was the last day @ school & we got our jerseys. The whole day was spent with Tina (the bitch) in the library talking about homewreckers, and I SAID that I'm not a homewrecker and that My homes the ONE THAT's been wrecked so many times (yes im a sook) and she agreed =p We got our jerseys last period & when I put it on, I really felt like a year 12 student doing my last yr, this is it ! It still hasn't sunken in sometimes ahh :) But the jerseys are HOT i rkn, stupid darinna!

Me & my CCNF (yes i have to call them that because I cbb to name everyone) went to HABIBS @ BANX! lmao, Okay i was expecting alot more.. the food was good, but the resturant isn't too fancy, Haha, not the "lebanese hurricanes" . We then went bowling & lastertag, I SUCKED! lol my game was down today man! It's okay it was all good fun & I didn't evn spend that much $19 to be exact!

Anyway the point of this blog was the list what I'm PLANNING to do in the holidays.

  • Clean room
  • Search for a job.
  • Catch up & visit people I haven't seen in ages & i've talked of "catching up" with since forever !
  • Movies to watch : The proposal, Harry potter , Bruno , Ice age 3.
  • Hurricanes @ Bondi & a movie when dars, dart & tiff comes back (for darts bday)
  • Sleep in heaps & heaps & heaps & heaps
  • START MY MAJOR for history extension & get the draft finanlised by the end ???
  • Make study notes for my other subjects (probably not happening)
  • Really leave behind the negative shit in my life cos I'm going to need to focus nxt term.

    "Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again"
    - Achilles in Troy

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hi all, As my title suggests, I have quite a few things to blog about.
Lets just do them in chronological order why don't we :) ?

WON THAT Black & Gold Glomesh bag off ebay $20, abit overpriced I think considering prices of others i saw later on, but what the heck, I wanted it so bad :) Tick off my wishlist + Still waiting to be delivered.

(The days that followed had emotional stuff involved, i managed to shake it off though & don't wanna be a baby sooky lala on my blog LOL, But if you must know, I won't get my hopes up but it looks like I'm heading in the right direction, I don't really have a choice now, but this was the open door I was looking for, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M ON ABOUT DO YOU ? haha it's okay, I'm mysterious like that ? rofl, you can could probably guess) Moving on..

MJ's Memorial
I had to blog about this, Just because I think it's so sad. Feelings of a friend I lost not long ago resurfaced when I watched MJ's memorial. I think it's hard when you realise that you won't see them again in this lifetime. The fact that there up there right now watching with God, brings peace, but doesn't mean you won't miss them . When i watched his family speaking, Esp. His brother Jermaine & his daughter Paris, It broke my heart, a man who felt pain no one else can imagine " Michael Maybe now people will leave you alone." RIP Michael Jackson, Touched us all - Legendary King of Pop, There will never ever be anyone better, best believe.

Wednesday -

Tina & Kevin's 3rd year anniversary. These two have been through so much & still managed to stay together, What can I say ? Congratulations, I somewhat admire you two, and wish you two a long & happy life together, Can't wait for the wedding. We celebrated @ Hooters, Pictures will be posted @ the bottom. FUN NIGHT WITH the boys & girls! (BAD OILY CHICKEN SERVED - would not recommend - In mild flavor that is)

Thursday :
- Economics excursion to the Reserve Bank.
- Latenight with @ parra with all the girls !
- Bumped into Kim phammer + Emma & emily - People I miss seeing :(
- Purchased the following :
- Bardot gold leopard print studs
- Bardot "NYC backstage" Oversized Tee
- Sportsgirl black & gold studs
- Tank singlet + latex tights from cotton on.

Nothing spesh! jst a few things I needed, Eye'ing the Squawk Rinse Ksubi's on ebay & If i'm going to purchase another jacket this winter, It shall be the waterfall jacket, Here's one from Bardot.

I'm sick again PEOPLE! Nose is running like a tap & My cough is turning chesty.
That's all for now folks, Blog again, Very soon. Holidays are coming up, which I plan on having alottttt done in, (key word: plan) I'm GOING HABIBS CHARCOAL
CHICKEN @ BANKSTOWN TOMORROW - I can't wait, I've heard good things about this lebanese restarant! Mmm chicken! Tiffany, Darithy & Darinna are going New caledonia tmrw, I'm going to miss them dearly!
Don't ask why this writing is all underlined, I have No idea! Oh, YAY jerseys tmrw.
Ok I jst realised how annoying the pictures are to upload & re-arrange, So they're on facebook anyway, lolol!

" Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, You'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow. Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through for you " - Mj's fav. song for a reason.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Shot through the heart, and your to blame. Darling you give love a bad name.
Woohoo! I'm a friken legend. I learnt all by myself how to put music on my blog, haha not much of an achievement, But you know it's me =p. How awesome's the first song? lmao, it's the psyche song from HowImetyourmother. PSCYHE indeed, my blog just got ten times awesomer, as if it could right? Harhar, I'm joking. There are two other michael jackson tribute songs which I love + hotel room, So enjoy. I tried a few sites & i can't get that stupid "stream pad" bar @ the bottom of my page off, If you know how to hit back! I deleted the html but it's like a stalker bar, it won't eff off. OMG third blog for the day I think? I'm turning into a Blogspotsl*t. Rofl, I'm going to bed, mwamwa.

You were ten, you said you'd make me your wife.

Hello, hello.

Yes, I'm blogging once again, I really am a bored cunt these days. Do I really have anything to blog about ? No, LOL so if you get bored easily you shouldn't read this. Yesterday night I didn't sleep til 6am, omg. So i took a few luvo's ahha, I was so bored, this was like 2am in the morning ! I ended up waking up @ 3 today, not too bad :) And since then I've jst
been wasting time on facebook haha, BTW! I've recently just gotten the gist of twitter & realise it's not so lame afterall, If you've got it then FOLLOW ME ! I welcome the good, bad , beautiful & ugly mind you, I have gotten a few random, weird followers. But anyhow, s'all love =p I'm totally following P diddy, haha.
Today I was talkin to someone on facebook, and they certainly did make me feel very LAME for being home on a saturday and playing facebook games, harhar, it's not that bad! rofl, My finances is really whats keeping me home, But other then that, I've jst been having alotta quiet time @ home, I'm going through that phase yes :P HERE ARE THE FOTOS, haha. BTW I got really tired towards the end, So i took lying down fotos, lmao. OH & alsooo ; there are some fotos of my Rachael & Tina, AW LOOK @ THERE BAR FRINGES!!

P.s I changed my settings so that you don't need to be a blogger to comment.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Hotel, Motel, Holiday inn!

Friday night ;

So today, I genuinely planned to go school, But my phone which was s'pose to wake me up @ 9am ran out of batt, so i woke up @12.43 & didn't end up going! LOL I was real excited to get my jerseys, but turns out that we're not getting them till next week anyway! I went back to sleep & ended up waking up at 5pm. Anyway I didn't do much when i woke up, I showered, came on the net. Tina calls & says she's @canley heights & s
he's comin over, so Kev dropped her off.
I don't know why she doesn't like her bar fringe, I think it's cute & it's different & it suits her, but whatever she's always on about how azn she looks with it, haha! I gave her a lil update on my life, including my last saturday night ;) and mr. chillean who I still haven't managed to find, I guess I really am going to have to wait til I'm 18 & go look for him @ the ivy, ha ha. No i'll be over it by then. We browsed a few blogs, and Tina was envying the hairs of some of the "bitches" we were lookin' at haha.

Around 9 me & tina went to pick up tiffany & darrina from the PIRATEZ production thing @ school, and we went to eat @ orange-grove. It really is becoming a friday night tradition, mygod we're turning into those fully sick people who hang there, Noooo :( haha, I kid. We chatted for a while, went over to hungryjacks to get drinks, I dropped everyone home & now i'm home bored ON A FRIDAY NIGHT, I'm asking armin for any new movies, but all the ones he has I've seen in the cinemas already. I guess i'm having another quiet night, While i'm here I mightaswell blog about some dissapointing news . Ok i originally wrote something else, But people told me it was really obvious who I was referring to, So I won't go into detail. All I'll say is.. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ?!!?!?!
lmao. Blog again soon :)


Forgot to post this yesterday! It's the lady of the lake dress I saw @ fashion weekend.
I want the white singlet version with the buttons & military chain detail, Mmm.

Note: I just had a complaint that my blogs are a "kila" to read (you know who you are!), So I'll try to make them shorter nxt time (haha,not) Nah, I like short & straight to the point usually, I'm jst bored today, Bye!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Unlimited wants, Very, very limited resources .

This is my second blog, for today, and I only made the blog a few hours ago. Eager Beaver much?I know, but I wanted to rant about a few things. First of all : Eff these blogskins bullcrap, i just went through all the trouble of downloading a few blog skins, I even made a new photobucket account to host the bloody images & it doesn't even work out for me, PIECE OF shit! Guess what, I'm happy with my crappy layout now anyway, it's cute OK!! (I'm not sure who that was directed towards)

Anyhow, as the title of my blog suggests, I'm going to go on about a few things I need right now :) actually, I
jst want them, lol. I'm unemployed and living on the governments money (hoorah) so that's the limited resources for ya, I don't think I was really coping with that amount, but now that I have my own car and i have to pay for petty,oh let met tell you.. it's a bitch, YOU"LL ALL Know when you buy your first cars, But if you've already got a car, then you should know anyway, haha petrol kills me!!!
But here are some of the things I want,
THE NEW I PHONE 3GS. Is it not the most awesome phone in the world? Honestly, why hasn't apple taken over the world yet ? I love all the new features, The voice control, the video, the web browsing, confession, I'm materialistic and i jst love LOVE LOVE it, but obviously i can't afford it now, So i said if i got a job in the near future, then that's when I'd get it.

A few other things I want atm :
# TOM TOM XL GPS SAT NAV - I'll never get lost again, haha! $320
# Sportivo spoiler - My car has needs as well!! But this can wait I guess, haha. $100-200
# New Hub caps - $50 ? I hate my fake chromys, like lebo23Q much? Rofl, nah I scratched another one in maccas drive-thru when i was using my ipod at the same time, geees! I'd get rims but I know i'd scratch them, So maybe when im more experienced.... (eyeroll)
# Black & Gold Vintage glomesh bag. - I've already purchased this dove grey one, with a gold chain off ebay, it was a bargain! Poor darling who posted it to me, the postage cost more then the bag itself, haha she didn't make any profit :/ But i've been through it all before with selling ebay items! Anyway The black&Gold one I bid on is ending in 3 days, So hopefully I'll win that :p
# Pandora beads : Heart&lock,Car. There the next two I'm getting.
# Toyota MP3 cd ipod player - $100 -So I can stop using that dodgy ipod transmitter tape!
#White singlet with military buttons and chain detail -$35 - I'm loving the military look, I really wanted this when I saw the bec&bridge "lady of the lake" dress @ fashion weekend, But thats obviously way out of my price range, This is the singlet version, It's a compromise, But good enough :)
# Mercedes SLK roadster - $200 0000 Hell-llo, haha It's my dream future car, I'll get there you watch, this car is sexxxx.
# A million heels - Yes I love them, I can run walk and probably swim in them. LOL.

That's all I can think of now, as soon as money comes in next week i'm going to dye my disgusting hair, it's gone so off-color and it's been screaming for a dye for a while now, I neglect it so much, haha. Then I'll be shopping FINALLY, I won't have much to spend, But it's been too long since i've shopped! I'm off to bed now, I didn't sleep at all last night, and I'm probably going to be late to school tomorrow since I've got a triple free period in the morning anyway, JERSEYS! mwamwa.

p.s Simon Li is a fatty & I'm awesome.

Better on the other side.

Hi all !
If you're reading this then congratulations, this is going to be the beggining of a new, beautiful, awesome relationship :) No, I'm kidding okay, My little friend kayla sort of forced me to make this blog, she's like a little bitch now, and I thought, why not? since I basically finished all my assessments for now ! Okay So I just had macca's just then, mind you this is the 4th time I've been to maccas today. I went yesterday night when I was craving krispy kreme, @ 1am with lucky cause we took a "break" from out eco assignments! Then this morning with Cathy vu after chucking an all nighter, lol I'm epic!
This blog is still brand new & all, Yes if you noticed I've got kayla's old blogskin, I didn't evn realise i chose it! I thought hers was some from a specialised site or whatnot, but it's an original template, I actually like it though :)
I really don't know what to blog about, Oh for those of you's who don't know, I'm a HSC'ER and I'm so sick of it, I just wanna ditch it! I've got another 4 months to go & i've reallly, really been slipping lately. In the past 3 weeks I think i've been school 5 times maybe ? LOL, I went twice this week, that's if i go tomorow & I WILL BECAUSE WERE GETTING OUR JERSEYS! WOOHOO, Finally!
Anyway, I'll be back to update soon, I'm going to try & do fancy things to the blog now.


" This the kinda song that make the angels cry. Look up in the sky and I wonder why, Why'd you have to go, I know it's better on the other side "