Hi all! Long time no blog , I've been neglecting this thing because frankly, I cannot be bothered. Anyway I'm going to be a boring bitch now & quickly update the last week of my holidays for you enthusiasts who follow & read my blog (nah, jst vee haha) Note: I jst finished my major today! I've been a hermit for the last 3 days, couped up in front of this computer typing for my life, I can't say i didn't have a million distractions though! It's not my best work...or as polished as it should be! I did it in 3 days, i was suppose to have worked on it all year! What can you do eh. Here we go :)
Pick up from.. Monday :)
I went livo library with armin, we went to eat salsa's I tried to show him those delicious nacho fries but who am I kidding, his a little girl on a diet who doesn't eat, so I jst sort of ate while he watched, LOL! I ran into my friend from my primary, - Patricia, we chatted away. Oh mind you I didn't get any work done, i can NEVER do any at the library! It was good to catch up with her.. when I got home i added her on msn, and she told me the news about a certain somebody...
I'M SOO DISSAPOINTED !!! the guy was so goreous, but I'm not a homewrecker.. not knowingly at least, lol, I feel so sorry for his girl!
- The girls & I went to celebrate david cao's 18th @ savanna's. Jst a normal dinner nothing spesh, Everyone else went to pump U18's afterwards (the irony!) but after my fameU18's experience, I didn't wanna go, No one else was eager, SO we decided to do something of our own, jst the girls! We ended up @ livo cinemas watching Ice age 3D! It's aight I guess, $19 (I could of gone imax) !!!
attempt number two at the library ! We went oportos beforehand to eat & chatt a lil, once we got there.. we took like.. what 5 breaks? LOL armin's such a smokaholic and we kept chatting about bullshit like religion and babies?? haha No we weren't very productive at all. Fail.
I went parra with sokly, phuc and Tina, It was good catching up with all the girlss! We ended up eating at the foodcourt, and then I went in david jones and got a napoleon perdis kohl eyeliner, since Tina was complaining about my woolly's eyeliner giving her red eye, pssh works fine for me =p Afterwards we went pancakes on the rocks @ northmead, had a few laughs =) On our way home we decided to go wash my car @ the cabra car wash, I KNOW!! at that time it was like 10? But they insisted, I was in a skirt for gosh sakes ! But Tina, being the cute cunt she iss.. did most the work, hehe I love that little ganga homewrecker :)
Caught up with hoa today ! It was soooo good seeing her again, I've been talking of it for ages ! Anyway, as we were leaving her house.. we approached a roundabout a son of a bitch car hit me in the back.. I can't say how angry I was at the time & If im going to say how i feel this entry will be full of anger. But i got over it quick, The damage wasn't major, I can get it fixed. I didn't wanna let it ruin the day. We went cabra cos she wanted to buy a new mob, She didn't wanna get the webslider.. I SOO wanted her to get it! Lmao, Then we were off to para, We had 2hours to kill b4 movies so we went Nando's... and then Max brenners.. Chocolate overdose, much? We were soooooo.. incredibly bloated afterwards.
The proposal was hilarious! I recommend everyone go out & watch it !! All in all a good day :)
Saturday- Sunday - Monday : Stuck in doors doing my assignment.
I've gotta say, I had such a happy & healthy holidays by that I mean, i slept in a helllaa lot, I didn't evn get drunk once, haha! Thanks to a bunch of amazing people, You know who you are! Love love :) I managed to pretty much do everything on that list, Besides lookin for a job and studying, none of which i attempted. Lol.
I'm going too try reallly hard to shut out distractions in the nxt 3 months So i can get a decent HSC! I cbf for socialising and meeting new people right now, I'll leave that til after the hsc. Cos we're all going to get shaky after school :):) ooot oootz. Tmrw's the first day back term 3 (but last term for year 12) and I'm up @ 3.15 am blogging. Great start ? It's cos I slept at 9am in the morning today !
Off to bed now, mwa !